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"Homeworld 2 Remastered" Hiigaran Platform Class Ships

Navigation: Homeworld 2 > Hiigarans > Platform

Platform class units are stationary weapons platforms that, while not as powerful as some larger ships, are more than capable of hurting the enemy and making them think twice about entering a particular area. These units are built one-at-a-time from the Mothership and once they are completed can be moved only once before their engines burn out and they become completely stationary, so make your decision wisely. 
Stationary Anti-Fighter Weapon Platform.
Stationary Anti-Capital Ship Weapon Platform.

Platform Control Module

The Hiigaran Platform Control Module installed on the Mothership.
Source: Homeworld 2 Remastered

The Platform Control Module is the production subsystem players must construct on their Mothership, Carriers or Shipyards in order to produce the turrets. Due to how fast the Gun and Ion Beam platforms are built, typically having one ship capable of producing them is more than enough.


Hit Points: 25,000
HP Regen Time: 16m 40s
RU Cost: 650
Build Time: 30 Seconds
Type: Module (Uses 1 Module Slot)
Prerequisites: None
Game Tool-tip: Coordinates Weapon Platform operations. Required for building Weapons Platforms.