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"Homeworld 2 Remastered" Hiigaran Capital Class Ships

Navigation: Homeworld 2 > Hiigarans > Capital

The most powerful ships in the Hiigaran fleet are the Capital ships. Slow and expensive, if used well with supporting ships, these massive vessels can shatter any fleet foolish enough to stand against them. These massive ships are constructed individually and take a long while to finish building. One of them, the Shipyard, is so huge that, once constructed, it does not exit the Mothership but instead emerges out of Hyperspace from another location.

Mothership "The Pride of Hiigara"
Your most important ship in Homeworld 2.
Capital Class Production Ship.
Capital Class Anti-Frigate Ship.
Heavy Capital Class Ship.
Mothership Class Production Ship.
Unique Shipyard commanded by Elohim Nabaal (Campaign Only)

Capital Class Facility

The Hiigaran Capital Class Facility attached to the Mothership.
Source: Homeworld 2 Remastered

This module can only be added to the Mothership and the Shipyard class vessels, which unlocks the production of the most massive ships players are capable of constructing in the game. The vessels built by the Capital Class Facility take long times to construct, and due to their size, can only be fielded in very limited numbers. Most of the Capital ships have set limits you are capped at fielding far below the total Capital Ship supply cap.


Speed: N/A
Attack: N/A
Hit Points: N/A
RU Cost: 1800
Type: Production Facility (Uses 1 Production Slot)
Prerequisites: None
Tool-tip Description: Enables Capital Class production.